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The Conference Board Joint Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Councils Meeting

Join Fred for his presentation, The Steps to Developing a Future-Focused Strategy that fosters DE&I and Business Performance Together. It will be at 8:45 pacific time on Thursday September 15th.

Leading the Way:  DE&I Transformations for Better Lives, Better Business, and a Better World    

1. How might we know what the global DE&I future needs are from DE&I strategies of the future?  Workspaces are shifting toward a new normal.  Environmental and social injustice pressures are growing.  Political narratives are spiraling.  Along with these changes, DE&I stakeholder groups and their demands are expanding.  Considering the state of our organizations and the state of the world, how will you lead the way forward for better lives, better business, and a better world? 

2.     Join your Conference Board DE&I community to explore insights about what’s ahead, and what that means for ways you can advance your DE&I vision, strategy, and measures of progress and impact.  We will collaborate with peers and other experts to sharpen a future-fluent point of view for critical DE&I decisions with business impact, and work together to discover fresh, practical opportunities to advance the impact of your work.